
【一亩三分地】Android client

View the Project on GitHub naco-siren/1Point3Acres_public_release

Android Client for 1Point3Acres Forum



This is a third-party Android client for 1Point3Acres (http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs).

1Point3Acres is a well-known Chinese forum providing information on studying abroad, application to universities, job hunting, immigration and life overseas, etc.

Available at Google Play.



For screen capture, please refer to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiYGwWfe2h0

  1. Browsing Warald’s blogs.
  2. Browsing threads (text and images) in different forums.
  3. Reply to thread’s posts.
  4. Post new threads to forums.
  5. Share blogs and threads to other applications.

UI screenshots

Navigation Drawer Blog list Blog Thread list Thread content Thread comment Settings